Witty's Lagoon Hike

Today is Labour Day, the last holiday before school begins.
A bunch of members from my church, et. al. travelled to Witty's Lagoon in Metchosin for a hike and lunch. The day is overcast, but not raining.
I brought along my Zero Image 6x9 set at 6x4.5 and loaded with TMax 400. This film really feed well and advanced smoothly through the camera.

The effective focal length for this camera is 40mm with an f-stop of 235.
I used my Black Cat Exposure Guide from which to base my exposures. For ISO 400 film it suggested exposure times of 3 seconds under bright overcast sky. I made exposures from 3 seconds to 30 seconds. After processing the films this afternoon (HC-110B), I noticed that bracketing was a wise things to do - I erred however, by giving too much exposure to many of the images. I had thought from previous lens camera experience that the metre would try to give me a middle grey. Thus, I gave more exposure, but this was not necessary. I've also been disappointed with the Black Cat as previous experience using it has proven frustrating.
All in all - I'm still learning to work with this type of exposure for this type of photography.
Hope to post some of the results soon.
A nice way to end off the afternoon was a bunch of us heading down the road to My-Chosen Inn restaurant (I think) for ice cream (I had coffee - kids had ice cream).


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